Heya, it's me Daniel, I'm 18, I draw things, and make music. this is my newsground profile. gonna also post my stuff here.
pfp by Kellyaso
| banner made by me

Daniel @Unicide

Age 18, o

Joined on 2/20/21

Exp Points:
96 / 100
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> 100,000
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3.47 votes
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Unicide's News

Posted by Unicide - July 29th, 2021

Gonna do a couple of things or something.

1.gonna make a playlist for Daniel, like something called the essential daniels or something. so i wont have to spam a bunch of daniel pics. idk.

Yeah gonna post some old daniels, to hold on the old art. this is digital stuff.

ye thanks for reading idk

(Daniel is the orange fox guy btw, he's my sona)

Posted by Unicide - July 22nd, 2021

In need of a friend who acts like they're stuck in th early 2010s



Posted by Unicide - July 14th, 2021

Windows Gaming


Posted by Unicide - July 10th, 2021

I'm gonna be visiting my grandma tomorrow!

at the cemetery- yeah she's dead. she's been dead for probably 3 years. so yeah. RIP her

we actually started visiting grandma at the cemetery every month to pay respects (with flowers, not Fs you insensitive prickson) not long ago. sometimes with just me and my parents. and sometimes a couple of other extended family members.

I wouldn't be mentioning this if it weren't for one catch, we actually hired a mariachi band to play there.

You might be thinking "you guys Hispanics?" in which I will say, yes. we are.

My parents actually come from Mexico. so they have some traditions they have brought over.

i can actually speak a few fluent Spanish. uh.

Yeah probably just gonna stay in the car watching shit. might record the mariachi tho.

Yeah, thanks for readin. See ya


Posted by Unicide - July 5th, 2021

so you might notice a new profile pic.

well im gonna try to change my profile pic every day to something else until i run out of it or something. so yeah.

Most of the pics will come Here. a music video for Datach'i-Seconds in SIlence by yours truly David firth.

eh whatever. gonna do this for a month. since i got 31 pics imma use. so yeah.

thanks for reading i guess. and watch the vid. itsa coola



Posted by Unicide - June 28th, 2021

Yeah, I'm announcing a new youtube video on Newgrounds. WADA TWIST

So yeah, this is an extended version of part in Hyper Darts Challange from Mangled Tape Memories by Locust Toybox. the part used in A Black and White Cartoon About Roof Tiling. yeah. pretty cool part.

i'll also upload the thumbnail as well as the pics used in the vid. but yeah that's all

Hope you enjoy

Locust Toybox-Hyper Darts Challange Roof Tilling part Extended

Here are some other links as well

The Original Track

The Album Where The Song Came From (if you want that)

The Animation by David Firth where the song is used

David's Youtube Channel

David's Newgrounds ;3


Posted by Unicide - June 24th, 2021

1.Windows Presentation

2.New Khonjin House


Posted by Unicide - June 21st, 2021

gonna go put some stuff i drew in school.

yeah. stay tuned for that i guess


Posted by Unicide - June 17th, 2021

Sorry for 3 posts today but. yay.

10th news post i guess.


Posted by Unicide - June 17th, 2021

Alright, just a couple of things before I go in.

I finished my finals last week and currently on summer break.

yeah that's all for that

DA VENT(chi?)

So, as you may have known(which makes jackshit sense since I never brought up anything about my life in school).

I have said that I had taken my STs(Standardized Tests) last month. and stuff.

but recently I had been notified that, other than science. i had failed all of them. though I actually almost passed math, if it weren't for me missing a single question and getting it wrong. since that warranting for having to retake it.

yeah, i have to retake them next week. Tuesday with English and Wednesday with algebra.

but i think ill do good.

sorry for starting to get quick. but whatever. i think I'll still doing good.

if you're still reading. thanks, I guess. see you soon?

IDK . that's all.
