Heya, it's me Daniel, I'm 18, I draw things, and make music. this is my newsground profile. gonna also post my stuff here.
pfp by Kellyaso
| banner made by me

Daniel @Unicide

Age 18, o

Joined on 2/20/21

Exp Points:
96 / 100
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
3.47 votes
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> 100,000
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Unicide's News

Posted by Unicide - July 2nd, 2022

Got a new cashapp,

now you can give me money at $2rueUnicide2

Ye, just wanted to announce ig

If you wanna give some monies

Posted by Unicide - July 1st, 2022

Cool new tutorial for analog horror eyes so you can be a master at sheer terror aswell ig.

If this helps ya, then thas kool

WATCH HERE: The Sorta Easy Way to do Analog Horror Eyes (Tutorial ig)



Posted by Unicide - May 15th, 2022

Um, how are yall?


Posted by Unicide - April 20th, 2022

Just here to say that im probably laying off on the album for a bit to focus on other stuff ig (school things or whatever) also ive been feeling a bit lonely recently ig. But yea. Hope you all are doing well

Posted by Unicide - April 2nd, 2022

Aw yea uh huh. just a collection of some cool tunes i made i guess.

mostly some breakcore loud gabber stuffs ig. i dunno


This is the cover art.

Imma upload some tunes from the album here ig. and some of the songs on here will be on the album.

Ye. Stay tuned for that i guess. i will post a link to the album here as well as the song on here themselves i guess.

Just gonna be some new recent stuff and more older crap i guess. really old crap.

OH yeah got a new track i made and im kinda lovin how it's soundin. so im postin here. <3 just cuz im sorta proud of it

Uh yea, thanks for the read ig


Posted by Unicide - April 1st, 2022


took a bite out of it before taking the pic.

Ate it not long after.

It's alright i guess

Also sorry for like 3 posts in like, a minute or something. really wanted to get that album annoucement outta the way. made that 2nd joke post without any post mood things just so i can put the doo doo one in the pico section. cuz, poop cookie ahhahahahahahha thank you for understanding ig. might post a reminder or something idk.


Posted by Unicide - April 1st, 2022


Posted by Unicide - April 1st, 2022

Aw yea uh huh. just a collection of some cool tunes i made i guess.

mostly some breakcore loud gabber stuffs ig. i dunno


This is the cover art.

Imma upload some tunes from the album here ig. and some of the songs on here will be on the album.

Ye. Stay tuned for that i guess. i will post a link to the album here as well as the song on here themselves i guess.

Just gonna be some new recent stuff and more older crap i guess. really old crap.

Uh yea, thanks for the read ig


Posted by Unicide - March 21st, 2022


Still workin on the album ig.

Updated my Banner and pfp ig

Used @nokoi 's Shake Art DELUXE for the banner

And PFP was made by @RainyyOrNot of Twitta dot com

So yea uh


Posted by Unicide - March 18th, 2022


Video has loud noises flashing lights and other scary thingas.

Watch at your own risk...

A scary video is now here i guess check it out !!!!


Mickey answers emails, now in a non-upsetting way, definitely nothing horrific gonna happen here!!!

Watch Here (WGJ4K-Mickey's Rebuttal [CENSORED])
